Valhe: Leading role: The time to say ‘Dharan Ushala, Korad Ghashala’ has now come for the citizens of Rakh, Karnalwadi (T. Purandar) and the surrounding areas. The south east part of Purandar taluka is permanently drought marked. Today, the Bi-Tish Lake in Rakh, which is a boon to this area, has 30 percent water storage, but the wells in the lower part of the lake have fallen into a dry state. This year there was no rain from the eastern monsoon. Also, due to heavy rains, the farmers of Rakh, Karnalwadi, Guluche and eastern villages of Valhya are feeling worried. Sowing starts in the second week of June, but due to the rains, this year the farmers are looking towards the sky after doing pre-sowing tillage.
The rain water coming from the mountain ranges in the north and east direction of Ash gets into the Pune-Miraj Railway Line Dam, Chote Pazar Lake, Fanj stream lake and Bi-Tiskal Lake. In the past three years in a row, the silt of the Bi-Tish Lake had been lifted on a large scale. As a result, the depth of the lake has increased, leading to a large increase in water storage. As a result, the water level of the wells in Mane Vasti, Ranvarewadi, Karnalwadi, Ziripvasti, Gulunche’s Wada settlements is gradually increasing. However, this year despite the abundance of water in both the lakes, the wells in the area have bottomed out, which is a matter of concern for the people of the area.
The result of gelatin explosions
The silt of the Bi-Tishtic lake at Rakh was largely removed in the past. It was during this period that stone quarries were allowed to the east of Rakh village. Gelatin blasts are used to break the stone from the mine. Now the depth of these mines has become huge. Due to this, the farmers here are expressing the doubt that the underground water table in the lake area may have moved.
For many years past, when the reservoirs in the Rakh area filled up during the monsoons, the wells in the lower areas would hold up until the next monsoon; But now after removing the silt from the pond, despite the water in the pond, the wells near the pond have reached the bottom. It is necessary to take serious note of this by the ground water surveying system.
– Bharat Nigde, Former Deputy Sarpanch, Karnalwadi
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