Sarud (Kolhapur); Leading News Service: The message that a truck from the state of Karnataka was speeding towards Malkapur with children belonging to the Muslim community went viral on Monday evening on social media. Taking immediate precautions to prevent any untoward incident, Shahuwadi police cordoned off Bambawde, Malkapur and caught the suspect truck of foreigners and took it to the police station and deposited it in the police station. Happened and the police who came on alert mode suddenly breathed a sigh of relief due to the unexpected incident.
According to the Shahuwadi police, the said truck had left Belgaum on the Maharashtra-Karnataka border with children from the Valmiki community for darshan at Vishalgarh (at Shahuwadi). On the way, the driver stopped the truck at Karli (Karveer) and asked the locals for directions to Malkapur (Shahuwadi). On seeing a Muslim gentleman in the cabin of the truck and children traveling in a tank behind, some locals, mistaking that these children belonged to the Muslim community, questioned the truck driver, and the driver drove the truck in full speed towards Bambawade. Citizens unsuccessfully chased the truck.
Meanwhile, after the incident, some over-enthusiastic citizens reported on their mobile phones, ‘A truck carrying Muslim children from Karnataka to Madrasah has gone to Shahuwadi-Malkapur.’ This message went viral. He immediately hit the WhatsApp group of Shahuwadi police. As a similar incident happened in Kolhapur, the Shahuwadi police also became ‘alert’ about the incident without even a moment’s delay. As news of the incident reached every nook and cranny of the district, mobile phones of the Shahuwadi police started ringing in unison. Naturally, the attention of senior officials was also noticed. Hindu activists also gathered at Shahuwadi. However, when the actual suspect truck was caught by the police, the police investigation revealed the fact that the people of the poor Valmiki community of Belgaon had taken subscriptions and planned the trip to Vishalgarh. In the end, the police gave refreshments to all the passengers and brought them to Vishalgad and put a curtain on the case. Police Inspector Prakash Gaikwad said that earlier, a case has been registered against the concerned truck driver for transporting illegal passengers.
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