Pune; Leading News Service: The work at Chandni Chowk on the Mumbai-Satara (NH-4) road has reached its final stage, with 90 percent of the work completed. Therefore, this bridge will be opened for motorists by the end of July. Earlier, there was a huge traffic jam at Chandni Chowk, due to which the drivers used to face problems while passing through this route. However, the administration started works like new roads, cross roads along with road widening by demolishing the narrow bridge here last year. All those works have now reached the final stage, and the officials of the National Highway Authority said that 90 percent of the work has been completed. Said while talking to ‘Pudhari’.
Paintings on the walls
The National Highway Authority has drawn various types of graffiti on the cement walls, underground road walls along the route in Chandni Chowk. So Pune residents are getting the experience of being in a foreign country while going here.
Current status of works
- The bridge is 150 meters long and 32 meters wide.
- A total of 22 pillars are being erected for the 150 meter long and 32 meter wide bridge.
- Of the 22, 10 pillars on the Bavdhan side have been erected.
- The work of erecting 12 pillars of the NDA side is underway
- 20 percent work of Ramp 3 and Ramp 7 is incomplete.
- 93 girders are being used for the bridge connecting NDA and Bavdhan. This girder work will last for about a month.
- 90 percent of the total work here has been completed.
- Only the bridge work remains.
- The construction of the bridge will be completed in the next one to one and a half months.
At present, 90 percent of the work in Chandni Chowk has been completed, and this work will be completed by the end of July 30. 397 crores have been spent for this. The bridge is planned to be opened for motorists after the end of July.
– Ankit Yadav,
Deputy Manager (Technical), National Highways Authority
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