Jawahar Sehgal, a 21-year-old film director with a long experience in the industry who was once caught working on a filmset at the age of 12, is all set to release his latest film on the Hungama OTT platform. The film Cursed Katta , which has been in the works for the past year, is a crime drama that explores the complexities of an female artist to the thrilling side of a cursed weapon.
Sehgal, who hails from Varanasi , is one of the youngest filmmakers in India, and has already made a name for himself in the industry. He started his career as an Production intern at the age of 13 and has since worked on films and television shows in various capacities.
Speaking about his new film, Sehgal said, “I am excited to share my latest work with audiences on the Hungama OTT platform. This film is very close to my heart, and I hope that viewers will appreciate the story and characters as much as I do.”
The film, which stars Satya Kam Anand , Harshit singh , Sudhakar mani , Rahul Rajput and a bunch of professional theatre artist . It has been produced by Jawa’s production, and features a soundtrack composed by Anil raman & Kunal . With the rise of OTT platforms in India, more and more filmmakers are finding new avenues to showcase their work to a wider audience.
Sehgal’s film is a testament to the power of youth and creativity, and serves as an inspiration to aspiringfilmmakers across the country. He hopes that his work will encourage more young people to pursue their dreams in the world of cinema.
The film will be available to stream on the Hungama OTT platform starting tomorrow, and Sehgal hopes that audiences will embrace this new form of storytelling and support independent cinema.