Pimpri (Pune) : Vallabhnagar Agarwal in Pimpri has buses stopping at other Agaras. Some buses are from Shivajinagar and some from Swargate depot. Therefore, there is no space left to park the trains in the actual Vallabhnagar depot. As a result, the trains plying at Vallabhnagar Agar in the morning do not even get space.
55 buses of the depot and around 250 to 300 other buses are being parked in Vallabhnagar Agar. Some of these are buses from Shivajinagar and Swargate depot. Although these buses do not depart from Vallabhnagar Agar, they are kept at the depot due to lack of space. As a result, it becomes difficult for passengers to come and go here in the morning and evening.
Just last week, there was an incident where a female employee who was checking the bus on the spot due to the bus being parked up to the workshop met with an accident and died. Also, some disabled employees are also working in the warehouse. They have to do a lot of exercise when they come to the barn. However, the administration does not take notice of this. Buses from other depots are frequently parked at Vallabhnagar depot. Therefore, the employees are demanding that additional trains should be shifted here.
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