Aging, certain types of medications, bacterial infections, diabetes and hormonal imbalances as well as diseases such as meningitis, measles, goitre etc. can affect the ability to hear. Constant exposure to loud or intense noise is also a cause.
The ear has three parts. Outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. The outer ear receives sound from the environment in the form of sound waves. These waves pass through the canal and reach the ear drum. This causes the ear drum to vibrate. These vibrations create motion in the three very small bones in the middle ear, and this motion causes the fluid in the inner ear to move. The inner ear contains hearing cells. They bend slightly due to the motion of this fluid and transmit messages to the brain in the form of electrical pulses. We hear this message in the form of words and sounds.
Types of damage : Hearing loss is a defect in hearing. It can be of two types.
1) Conductive hearing loss : This process occurs due to a problem in the outer and middle ear. It is also called deafness due to illness. The reasons for this are pus or infection from the ear, some disturbance in the ear bone, damage to the eardrum such as perforation or tumor.
2) Sensorineural hearing loss : This problem occurs due to internal fault. This happens when the hair cells begin to die or fail to function properly. There are about 15 thousand specialized hearing cells in the ear. Then there are the nerves. It is because of them that we can hear. As we age, these cells begin to degenerate and die. Due to this, the nerve also becomes weak and the power of hearing decreases.
Aging, certain types of medications, bacterial infections, diabetes and hormonal imbalances as well as diseases such as meningitis, measles, goitre etc. can affect the ability to hear. Constant exposure to loud or intense noise is also a cause. Typically, by the time we realize we have trouble hearing, 30 percent of our cells have been destroyed.
symptoms : Early symptoms of hearing loss are not very obvious. However, it should be noted that hearing loss tends to decrease over time. In such cases, treatment should be done as soon as possible. If you have difficulty hearing normal speech, it is advisable to see a doctor.
Hearing loss due to infection can be cured with medicine. If the membrane is damaged, surgery is required. It can often be treated with medication. Nerve damage is irreversible. Hearing aids can be used in such cases. This leads to prompt treatment and can prevent the problem from worsening. If the hearing aid is not used, the stress on the nerves increases and the problem worsens. Since hearing loss is likely to be present at birth, every child should be screened for hearing.
For this, it is necessary to get an examination from a nose, ear, throat specialist. If a child does not pay attention to sounds by 6 months or cannot speak a word by two years of age, it should be checked immediately. By the age of five, children’s ability to hear, understand and speak is fully developed. For that, it is better if his hearing ability improves by this age.
How to maintain good listening skills?
Children’s ears should be examined at birth. Ears should be checked regularly after 45 years. Ear protection should be used if working in high noise areas. Ear plugs should be used for that. Noise below 90 decibels is fine for the ears; But more than this noise is harmful and should be avoided. Do not listen for long periods of time through headphones or ear buds. This affects the ability to hear. Always keep the volume moderate or low when listening to music.
Anulom, Vilom, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika and Bhramari Pranayama are very beneficial for maintaining good hearing. Bhramari is especially beneficial in this.
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