
Pune : Leader News Service : Three trucks with the facility of walking floor and transporting as much as 20 to 22 tonnes of waste at a time have entered the municipal fleet. This truck was inaugurated on Saturday by Guardian Minister Chandrakant Patil. MLA Bhimrao Tapkir, Municipal Commissioner Vikram Kumar, Additional Commissioner Dr. Kunal Khemanar, Keith Company President Lindsey Foster Drago, Director Varun Gajra, Deputy Commissioner of Solid Waste Management Department Asha Raut were present.
Hiwa trucks are currently being used by the municipal corporation for waste transportation in the city. Their capacity is around 5 to 10 tons.
Also, this truck does not have a mechanism to press down the waste after filling it. Current trains take half to half an hour to load and unload garbage. Also, waste is thrown aside in large quantities.
The central government has procured three state-of-the-art trucks worth about two and a half crore rupees on a pilot basis from the funds made available for solid waste management under the 15th Finance Commission. This new truck has a walking floor and can be filled with waste in 5 to 10 minutes. The waste inside is compacted in an automatic system. As a result, the waste that would fit in three trucks of the old Hiva fits in one truck of Keith’s. As a result, the cost of waste transportation will be reduced, the administration has claimed.
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