
Sandeep Ballal:
Varakute Budruk: Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, said, ‘Go to the village’. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken the same approach, and he is trying round the clock to bring development to the villages. Due to this, efforts are being made to strengthen villages by depositing crores of funds directly into the accounts of Gram Panchayats for development works. However, village leaders in the village have become subcontractors (subcontractors). They have literally waited for the development of the village.
In order to improve the villages, the State and Central Governments are doing no wrong in providing roads, water and other facilities for the purpose of providing physical facilities to the villagers. Funds of crores are being given to villages for this purpose. Seeing this multi-crore fund, the eyes of political leaders lit up. The crooked village leaders who fight over the commission they get from this have now themselves become subcontractors. The village leaders who were fighting to get the commission in the development works are now fighting to get the development works themselves.
As a result, crores of government funds are being misused in every village. With the policy of getting more profit, the village leaders started taking the development works for the village by offline tendering from the Gram Panchayat. The village leaders who did not show much interest in the development works in the early days, but now they are seen putting their lives on the line to get these works.
The work done by such village leaders does not have any quality, and if anyone complains, the picture is being seen in every village of Indapur taluka that quality work is being completed by killing time at the expense of the life of a political leader or by the power of hooliganism. Bokes who were vying for commissions are now fighting to get development jobs. From the fatal competition that started from this, the development of the village in the coming period is far from there, but the picture is clear that their heads will not be broken.
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