Children Recruited into Rebel Army: Two-year-old children are also recruited into the rebel army in South Colombia! | leader

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Bogota; News Agency: After the death of their mother in a plane crash, all four children survived for 40 days in the dense jungle of the Amazon. The 13-year-old elder sister of these four siblings miraculously survived both her siblings and her one-year-old baby sister. This heroic story of children, which is famous all over the world, has now got a new twist. (Children Recruited into Rebel Army)

An area in southern Colombia has been taken over by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (RAFC). This group separates children from their families and recruits these children into their group, trains them with weapons and later turns them into rebels. Our village Ararakuwa is located near this area. The children’s father, Manuel Rannok, said that their mother had left by plane to leave the children with relatives in another city so that the rebel group would not be able to see them. This armed rebel group recruits children as young as 2 years into their army. (Children Recruited into Rebel Army)

Now the search for the missing dog

Wilson, a member of a dog team involved in child rescue, is now lost in the Amazon jungle. 70 jawans are searching for him in the forest.

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