Until a few years ago most insurance policies were conventional and covered only certain diseases. But the regulatory body ‘IRDA’ revised the insurance scheme from time to time. Today, insurance policies have become ‘smart’ just like us. Sickness insurance cover is being provided as per requirement.
As a result of the Corona epidemic, many flaws in the health insurance industry have come to light. As a result, Irda made many changes in the insurance rules with a view to remove these shortcomings and defects. Citizens also became aware of health insurance after seeing the extensive improvement in the health insurance industry. Moreover, the insurance company also changed and revised its plan. On the one hand, the time of Corona has been a wake-up call for health insurance companies and policyholders. At the same time, on the other hand, the insurance regulator ‘IRDA’ took the opportunity to remove many defects and errors in this industry.
Covers all kinds of diseases
For a few years, diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure were not covered by insurance; But now the situation is different. Insurance companies cannot ignore these diseases. The health insurance company has launched many convenient plans for senior citizens as well. The disease is covered if certain rules and conditions are met. Be it a health insurance company or a general insurance company providing health insurance, they have introduced insurance plans in the market as per the convenience of senior citizens. If you want to buy a plan related to health insurance, first of all it is necessary to get information about the insurance cover for different types of diseases from an insurance agent or consultant.
Policies related to maternity and surrogacy
Insurance cover is now provided to both the surrogate mother and the donor after the amendment in the insurance rules. Pregnancy is not an illness. However, general health insurance plans do not provide coverage for maternity or postnatal treatment. But now with the massive reforms in the health insurance industry insurance plans are being introduced for maternity and surrogacy. For surrogacy, insurance cover is now provided to the ‘surrogate mother’ up to 36 months. There are two types of plans for maternity. The first is to have a pre-planned pregnancy and get its insurance cover and the second is to get an insurance plan after the pregnancy. Obviously, there is a difference in installments between these two plans. But according to the facility, monthly treatment, cost of caesarean section during delivery, cover for the child for a limited period after the surgery etc. are included in the insurance.
Policy as per customer requirement
Health insurance companies are providing insurance policies according to the health condition and income limit of the insured’s family. For this, the process of ‘file and use’ has been allowed. According to this insurance companies are providing more and more facilities to the customers. As a result, customers are benefiting a lot.
OPD cover and other expenses
Health expenditure is increasing at an annual rate of about 14 percent. Hence, it is preferred to take out insurance cover plans that cover critical illness expenses. Until some years a policy of up to 25 lakhs was rare. Now most people seem to take it easy. One of the problems in the health insurance scheme is that to avail the benefits of this insurance it is necessary to stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours. But OPD is also becoming important nowadays. People are working hard in OPD itself. Therefore, two types of reforms were made in this area as well.
First, as per a new provision in the Aarogya Bima Yojana app, through e-consultation, one can make any number of calls to the doctor during the insurance period and express health related complaints. No additional installment is required for this. Another way is OPD is included as a rider in the health insurance plan. If you feel the need, you can take this facility. 15 to 20 percent additional premium has to be paid in this option. Accordingly, claims for doctor’s fees, pharmacy bills, pathological examinations etc. are settled immediately. In this option OPD is being provided cover ranging from 5 to 50 thousand.
A cover for mental illness
A further improvement in the health insurance scheme is that all insurance companies are considering providing adequate cover for mental illness as well. Consideration is being given to providing adequate cover for depression, anxiety, dementia, bipolar disorder etc.
Wellness benefits
Another reform has been made in the health insurance sector. If the policyholders have good health habits, they are being given some discount in the premium at the time of renewal. Thus they are encouraged. E.g. If you have health insurance and walk at least 10,000 steps every day for a total of 120 days, you get at least a 10 percent discount on premiums on renewal next year. Accordingly if we increase the number of walking days the discount can increase further.
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