Kolhapur; Leading News Service: A young man from Varange Padli (Karveer) posted a status on social media in support of Aurangzeb Status on Wednesday, which created a lot of tension. The angry mob vandalized and set fire to the place of worship in Dwale Galli of the village. (Kolhapur violence)
It was noticed by Hindutva organizations that a 20-year-old youth from Varangay Padali kept the status of Aurangzeb (aurangzeb whatsapp status) on his mobile phone. A crowd of about seven hundred to eight hundred marched on the house of the concerned youth and tried to demand answers. However, the youth along with his mother and father had left the village at night. After that, the mob attacked the place of worship and vandalized and set it on fire. A police team along with senior police officers entered the village late at night.
Police officials said the situation is under control.
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