
Leading Online Desk : “I did not do that young lady a favor, I did my duty. Now everyone is calling for congratulations. However, after that incident, when I went to the room, I was crying for one and a half hours. How did she die if it was a little late? People should have been told that. I just did my duty. “Don’t call me Satkara,” said a young man who saved a young woman from her boyfriend’s attack in Pune. Leshpal is the name of the young man who saved the girl from her boyfriend’s attack. After saving a young woman in Pune, Leshpal Javgale is showering praises from people. Many are calling him for felicity. However, the young man appealed not to call Satkar and narrated the events of what happened that day.
What is the whole matter?
The incident happened around 10 am on Tuesday (27th) at a walking distance from Perugate Chowki in Sadashiv Peth, Pune. After the attack, the youth who tried to escape was chased and caught by the citizens. After that, he was given a chop and handed over to the police. The attack was caught on CCTV camera.
The name of the attacker is Shantanu Laxman Jadhav (age 22, Res. Dongargaon, Distt. Mulshi). A 21-year-old girl from Sutardara Kothrud has filed a complaint in this regard. Police said that the young woman was injured in the attack and is undergoing treatment at a private hospital. According to the police, the complainant is a first-year interior designer in an institute on Tilak Road. She met Shantanu while studying in class 12th in a college in Kothrud. Initially a friendship and then a love affair developed between the two. However, Shantanu used to abuse and beat the girl for small reasons. Hence, she broke off her relationship with him in December 2022. Even after that he was calling her. He threatened to beat him up and spread the photo virally if he did not come to meet.
However, the girl still did not keep in touch with him. So Shantanu was angry. He had stopped with his sword raised at her, then caught the sword in his hand to save her from being struck by the sword. A friend of mine came with me. He also grabbed him and pulled him back. However, the accused tried to incriminate us as well. But, at that time, the crowd fell on him, said Leshpal Javalage.
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