Leaders Online: King of Bollywood Shah Rukh met with an accident while shooting in America. His nose got hit in the accident and started bleeding from his nose. Meanwhile, when he was admitted to the hospital, he underwent a minor surgery on his nose and returned to Mumbai after the incident, reports Pinkvilla. Pinkvilla is an Indian entertainment and lifestyle news media.
Shah Rukh Khan is currently busy shooting for his upcoming project. In such circumstances, he injured his nose while shooting in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, the team here rushed Shah Rukh to the hospital due to bleeding. After this he also underwent a minor surgery to stop the bleeding. After this, actor Shah Rukh Khan returned home to Mumbai.
After Pathan, Shah Rukh Khan will soon be seen in Jawan. The film also stars Nayantara and Vijay Sethupathi. Fans were waiting for this movie for many days. Jaawan directed by Ali is one of the most action thrillers of the country. Fans of this movie have been for a long time. Meanwhile, this is a major update during the shooting of this film.
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