Chandrapur; Leading News Service: Chandrapur MP Mr. After Balu Dhanorkar’s body reached Varora in the afternoon, people flocked from evening to pay their last respects to the beloved leader. (Balu Dhanorkar Last Time Moment)
Delhi MP Balu Dhanorkar passed away in hospital early today. After that his body was brought to Nagpur by air ambulance. Later in the afternoon he was brought home to Varora. From afternoon, activists and fans gathered to have their last darshan of their beloved leader. In the evening, All India National Congress general secretary and former minister Mukul Wasnik, former minister Vijay Wadettiwar, MLA Subhash Dhote went to his house and paid darshan of his body. He paid emotional tributes to him. Condolences to the family with a very heavy heart. Also former minister Shobhatai Fadnavis visited Varora and consoled his wife MLA Pratibha Dhanorkar. His body has been kept at his home since afternoon for last darshan. As soon as the news of Parthia’s arrival at home spread everywhere, the citizens rushed. (Balu Dhanorkar Last Time Moment)
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