
Yavatmal; Leading News Service: Locking the house in the city has become dangerous. The senior couple had gone to Pune to celebrate their son’s wedding birthday. However, they could not enjoy this happiness for long. Thieves broke into the house and looted cash and jewelery worth Rs 317,000. This incident came to light on Monday.
Subhash Zambadmal Aggarwal and his family went to visit the boy in Pune on May 8. He kept the key of the gate outside the house with the maid. She used to come every day to water the tree. On Sunday, when the maid came to water the plant at 4:30 pm, she found the latch of the door of the house broken and the grill removed. She told this to Subhash Agarwal. Aggarwal asked his brother Omprakash to find out exactly what happened. Subhash Aggarwal came to Yavatmal on Monday morning as soon as he noticed the theft. Thieves looted six tola gold plates, a diamond necklace, diamond ear tops, silver stamps and other materials, cash worth Rs 50,000, water meter worth Rs 3 lakh and 17 thousand from his house. The city police has registered a case in this regard.
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