five Leading News Service: As the Chief Minister of the state, Eknath Shinde, suddenly reached his native village Daregaon in Satara district today, the administration got confused. Suddenly, after the Chief Minister’s helicopter landed at the helipad at Mulgaon Dari in Koyna Division, it was seen that all the administrative district officials who were present for the protocol suddenly flew away.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde landed his helicopter at the helipad in Dare village at 2 pm today (21st). After that, new Collector Jitendra Dudi Kolhapur Police Officer, Satara Superintendent of Police Sameer Sheikh, Tehsildar and administrative officers present welcomed the Chief Minister. However, since Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, who always brings good fortune, suddenly came on a district tour this time, what exactly is this tour for, what is the reason behind this tour, what is the tour for, what is the reason behind this tour, but political accusations are being made throughout the state. Meanwhile, many political arguments are being made about the Chief Minister’s sudden visit to his native village in Satara district.
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